日曜日, 2月 19, 2006

February 18th 2006

Ive decided today to move away from what i was originally using this blog as, and that was as a daily diary.

I will now use it to air my views on whatever concerns me at the time, as and when i choose to air my views just depends if there is anything im interested in.

ok, with that said... whats been happening lately?

in the world of everton, its all about stadium talks at the moment, with no match this weekend the debate has turned to a possible redevelopment or a new stadium somewhere else.
as other examples have shown, a new stadium does not equal success all of the time, in fact more often than not it can make the team worse due to a lack of funding for the team (money going to debt repayments for the new stadium)

In other football news, liverpool beat man utd in the FA cup, a deserved victory in this evertonians opinion, sissoko and gerrard completely bossing the midfield and preventing utd from creating anything.
what a turn around from a team that not so long ago had, giggs, keane, scholes and beckham as a midfield four, which imo was the best in the world at the time.

not much else to say really, oh yeah... cricket.... bah.. a good start and another collapse from the england team, we are gonna get battered by the aussies later on this year, and it wont be pretty!


Anonymous 匿名 said...

What no mention of your mates on Toffeeweb, this is a disgrace.

6:39 午後  


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