月曜日, 2月 27, 2006

diving is killing football

just got finished with listening
to 606 over the internet, listening to all these RS, spurs etc fans
ringing up saying what messi did is ok because robben did the same


both messi AND robben are the culprits,
and as is the case in this modern age of diving killing our beautiful
game, the two guilty parties walk away scot free.

now i know
what your thinking, well del horno was rolling around like a plonker
too right? YES! right, if i was the ref i would have told them both to
get up or get booked (or if im being harsh, book em both for play
acting and give the free kick to barce)

iam really really
getting pissed off with diving in football now, im proud that our
players are above such a disgusting and blatent way of cheating.

i was fifa i would hand out 3 match bans to any player caught
diving/play acting, and while serving the 3 match ban, they would be
"asked" to donate their wages to a charity and work to help the local
community. (come on, robben picking up litter in north london would be
a quality punishment, he wouldnt want to dive again would he?!)

not a big fan of ronaldinho, but i was impressed that he dispelled a
myth i had about him being another diving cheater along the lines of
pires or robben. (still give me lampard over him anyday but anyway,

日曜日, 2月 19, 2006

February 18th 2006

Ive decided today to move away from what i was originally using this blog as, and that was as a daily diary.

I will now use it to air my views on whatever concerns me at the time, as and when i choose to air my views just depends if there is anything im interested in.

ok, with that said... whats been happening lately?

in the world of everton, its all about stadium talks at the moment, with no match this weekend the debate has turned to a possible redevelopment or a new stadium somewhere else.
as other examples have shown, a new stadium does not equal success all of the time, in fact more often than not it can make the team worse due to a lack of funding for the team (money going to debt repayments for the new stadium)

In other football news, liverpool beat man utd in the FA cup, a deserved victory in this evertonians opinion, sissoko and gerrard completely bossing the midfield and preventing utd from creating anything.
what a turn around from a team that not so long ago had, giggs, keane, scholes and beckham as a midfield four, which imo was the best in the world at the time.

not much else to say really, oh yeah... cricket.... bah.. a good start and another collapse from the england team, we are gonna get battered by the aussies later on this year, and it wont be pretty!

火曜日, 2月 14, 2006

14th Feb

happy valentines day to all.

i gave chizuru some chocolates this morning, she seems happy about them. hope so!
yesterday evening we went to yaki tori, it was really nice to have a few bites to eat and a few beers to drink, really cheered me up.

as for everton, new stadium talks is all the talk of the town at the moment.
i for one wouldnt like to move away from goodison because of all the history involved with the place, however, if its in the best interest of the club then so be it.
not sure about the whole lease thing.... maybe we should put the whole thing off until we are more financially secure.

as someone pointed out, investment into a new stadium (as shown at arsenal) means massive lack of funds for transfers.
something i think every evertonian will agree we need in a few areas.

月曜日, 2月 13, 2006

13th feb 2006

13th feb, 2006.

weight -

mood - hungry!

woke up, had some brekkie, cereal is yummy!
will i ever get fed up of bacon and eggs on toast.... dont think so!

crsuhed some boxes, put up some flags and neatly put some polystyrene into a box, which even though i say so myself, was amazing.

tried to sort out neko's cds, but had a bit of trouble with my math... maybe later.